3D Viewing

When viewing any of the YouTube videos on this site, accessing the link from your desktop or mobile device will likely default to anaglyphic format. If you have a pair of red/cyan glasses on hand (of course you do), then you can view them directly in all their wonky anaglyphic glory. But accessing from a smart 3D TV should automatically display them as frame-sequential 3D video. I’d suggest adding the video to a “Watch Later” playlist from your computer or mobile device, then log into your smart 3D TV’s YouTube app and access from there. It’s what I do!

The stereo pairs presented throughout the site are all in left/right format, designed for “parallel” free-viewing, as opposed to right/left “cross-eyed.” At the risk of entering into some Jonathan Swift-like Big-Endian/Little Endian debate, I’ll only present them here in that format. So don’t ask. Left is on the left and right is on the right, just as Nature intended.

The primary reason for this is that I trained myself to free-view while working with a large collection of vintage stereographs, which are all left/right pairs. So chopping them in half and switching them around would have been frowned upon.

Oh, George.

Plus parallel free-viewing is the basis for all those “Magic Eye” posters that were all the rage back in the ’90s. So you can go nuts viewing all those too. Just remember to put your shirt back on when you’re done.

Some handy tips for parallel-viewing can be found here.