Adam West as Batman — in 3D? What?! No! YES!

Thought you’d never get to see a young Adam West, Julie Newmar and Burt Ward together in glorious 3D? Well, think again. I bring you “Batman: The Purr-fect Crime” — in 3D! In my opinion, it’s one of View-Master’s best sets in their “Showtime” series – the colors, the costumes, the sets, all tailor-made for some eye-popping 3D.

Many 3DTVs have the ability to recognize side-by-side digital stereo views or MPO files directly from a thumb-drive. Unfortunately, mine doesn’t (looking at you here, Sony). But mine will recognize side-by-side videos. So I’ve begun experimenting with various methods to scan some of my favorite reels (soon to be the subject of an upcoming post) and string them together as video slide-shows.

If you access the above YouTube link from your desktop or mobile device, it will likely default to anaglyphic format. But accessing from a smart TV should automatically display as frame-sequential 3D video. I’d suggest adding the video to a “Watch Later” playlist from your computer or mobile device, then log into your Smart TV’s YouTube app and access from there. It’s what I do!

And if you liked that, BOY, do I have a YouTube link for you! This brilliant individual has put together a channel with close to 200 sets that he has scanned and restored, many from faded, red film stock. It’s an amazing body of work, and he was very helpful with scanning and restoration advice as well. A wonderful resource for View-Master and 3D fans.

“Batman: The Purr-fect Crime” appears below as side-by-side stereo pairs.

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