3D’s Not Dead. It’s Just Taking a Little Nap.

I still remember clutching my red and white plastic View-Master in my pudgy little fingers, carefully inserting a reel chock-full of images from Star Trek or Batman or Lost in Space, advancing each frame with a satisfying metallic “ker-chang” (it seemed important to do this as LOUDLY AS POSSIBLE. Why? I don’t know, I’m a guy.)

In those days before VCRs, DVDs, blu-rays, etc., this was one of the few ways to relive your favorite shows “on demand” in between reruns. And what a way to experience it: not only in living color, but in THREE DIMENSIONS! I had no idea at the time what miraculous process made this possible. All I knew was that it was pretty darn close to magic in my book.

Flash-forward some 40-odd years to today, as I welcome you to the inaugural post of Stereoscopic Memories! It might seem like a strange time to launch a website devoted to three-dimensional movies and images — now that U.S. television manufacturers have ceased production of new 3D-capable TV sets, and most movie studios and filmmakers not named Cameron seem to be abandoning the format.

A lot has been written on the reasons behind this: confusing technology, bad timing, lack of consumer interest, lack of content. Who knows? Maybe TV manufacturers will come storming back with that “glasses-free” technology I’ve been reading about for years (I’ll believe it when I see it). Maybe that long awaited Avatar sequel will stoke the fires once more. Maybe my hair will start growing back. Hope springs eternal.

But in the meantime, in between the revivals that seem to hit every generation or so, we bespectacled acolytes at the 3D altar will keep the flame burning. And there’s no shortage of three-dimensional content out there to amuse and amaze ourselves with: stereographs, View-Masters, anaglyphic photos and comics. Multiplexes haven’t quite given up on 3D showings of new releases. And 3D blu-rays are still being released, although you may have to go farther afield to get them.

Maybe the bug has bitten you hard enough that you’ve tried your hand at shooting your own stereoscopic images with a Stereo-Realist, Nimslo, Nishika or home-made twin-camera rig. I’ll share my own experiences with some of those, and seek out others who have as well. So sit back, relax, slap on a pair of funny glasses and enjoy the wonders of — THE THIRD DIMENSION!

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